Monday, February 21, 2011

Would it be more amazing..

This morning I was listening to one of the local morning shows.  They take a trip every year with special needs children to Disney World.  It really is a great thing.  They were talking about how amazing it is to see how giving people were, donating time, items etc with no expectation of remuneration.  That got me thinking...
If we all, as human beings, were so generous all the time, would people notice how amazing it is to be giving?  Seriously?  Would they?  Generosity would just fade into the background as every day life and would cease to be amazing.  Then, what would we have to do to be considered amazing?  It really baffles my mind that people can not be of a generous nature all the time.  Why does it take a sick child talking about going to Disney World for people's hearts to melt and want to give give give?  There are sick children, sick adults, sick elderly every day that could use the generosity of someone's time even.  Do we care to take time out of our busy day to take a toy to a child at the children's hospital?  To take a meal to a sick adult's family?  To take time to visit a nursing home and be there for an elderly person who may not have anyone?  I know there are some people out there that do these things.  Probably a good deal of people.  What I want to know is why...why is it more accepted for people to be ignorant and self serving?  It breaks my heart to think about it.
It's times like these that remind me why I have a weakness to donating...even to the people holding the buckets in front of the grocery store or Walmart.  It's extremely difficult for me to tell someone no and I usually will come out with some money after the fact (even if it is the little bit of change in my pocket) on my way out.  It's not to ease my conscience, but because it's the right thing to do.  Would someone stop and look, saying it amazing I gave them money?  Most likely not, but I know somewhere, someone is going to benefit from it.
Take time out of your busy schedules and pay it forward.  Do something "amazing" today!

(EDIT: I just realized the past two blogs were started by something I heard on the same morning show...I suppose I enjoy what they have to say because it's caused me to think and to write twice now...:) )