7 months is far too long to go without a new blog entry! What have I been thinking?! Maybe I just haven't found the right source of inspiration. I haven't been moved to the point of needing to express myself via written avenues. BUT! I told my friend Liz I needed to write so here it is. :)
Is it appropriate to write about how much I hate my cycle(of course it is dummy...it's YOUR blog after all). Seriously. I hate my time of month. It's just so damn uncomfortable and icky and just bleh. And mine is just all sorts of bad. I get the heavy days, the bloating, and the cramping....ugh! The cramping is the w-o-r-s-t! My surefire way of assuaging the pain that comes with my cycle is normally a couple of Excedrin Migraine (a divine combo of acetaminophen and caffeine). WELL, guess who recently (well since right after I wrote my last blog at least)has developed an allergic reaction to caffeine? *points to self* SO, any time I have caffeine now it does a combination of at least two of three things:
1.)Heart rate off the charts
2.)Lips puff up bigger than Angelina Jolie's
3.)Right Cheek goes numb
NOW, normally its #1 paired with 2 or 3...here lately I've had more the cheek than the lips. So, to add insult to injury, I can no longer take my "go to" pain reliever because it causes other problems entirely. I have gotten to the point where the pain was so unbearable that I just had to suck it up and take the Excedrin, but that is usually chased with a Zyrtec pill to even out the allergic reaction, but damn. I suppose its a good thing to have happened since I was trying to ween myself off of caffeine anyway, but geez! I'd like to be able to have it when I need it, but apparently my body says NO! Wish it would do that when it got hungry instead of craving shit that is no good for me. LOL
Honestly I must have had this allergy for years, because I was breaking out in hives for awhile. I figured it was brought on by stress, but ever since I stopped having caffeinated drinks (soda/coffee) I don't have the hives anymore either. Thank god for that! I only really miss the caffeine when I'm in pain...so...I'll live I suppose.
So it's short, but it was a mini rant cuz it's day 2 and I'm kinda in pain...BUT I've got a lot done today trying to ignore the pain since I can't take anything for it.
-Emissions Test - DONE
-Pay for Tags on the cars - DONE
-Buy new battery for the Corvette and get it started- DONE
-Take hubby out for lunch - DONE
-Write a blog to distract myself - DONE
-File my coupons so I can go out later to restock my stockpile closet - Next on the list :)
SIGH....thats it for now!
I hope you all out there (ladies especially if you are on the rag like me...ugh) have a lovely weekend!
I am glad I inspired period talk! lol. Dude, sounds like the pits but maybe take advantage of the Jolie lips? Haha!
ReplyDeleteOh its scary. My parents didn't believe me at first until it happened...then all they did was laugh at how big my lips got. Scary! lol