Thursday, October 14, 2010

You Can't Always Get What You Want

This song is for you picky ass lady that just came in the caffe.

So I'm venting for a second.

I HATE...HATE HATE HATE when people come in and scowl at the desserts.  What is god's name are you coming in here to get if you are going to scowl at everything in the case and make a face every time you ask what something is?  Here's how this just went down:

Lady enters
Me: Good Morning! *smiles
Lady: HI!  *points at stands on top of case* What are these?
Me: *Points at each* These are scones.  This one is Lemon Blueberry and this one is Maple Pecan.
Lady makes ugly face at second listing of scones and says: EW NO...I'll have the Lemon Blueberry
Me: OK *goes to package up the scone
Lady: What is this in the bowls on the bottom?
Me: Banana Pudding
Lady: EW! That's even worse!
Me = starting to get annoyed but rings her up
Lady points to another thing in case and says: What is this?
Me: Peanut Butter Brownie
Lady breathes out annoyed and says: UGH no...I don't like that either
Me: oh
Lady: The cheesecakes look good but EVERYTHING else is just not my thing
(MIND YOU...we have an assortment of things in there...I'd say its probably something for everyone, cupcakes, brownies, cheesecake, bars, etc etc etc)
Me: Would you like me to warm up the scone a little for you?
Lady gives me disgusted weird look and says : I suppose
Me *goes to warm up scone, returns and hands it to her.
Lady: THANKS! *smiles and walks out
Me once she's gone: WTF!

OK.  Now maybe it's just me, but I know I wouldn't walk into someone's business and sit there making faces at everything like I am just purely disgusted.  She didn't buy a coffee, so obviously she came in with the intent to get something to eat.  And to sit there and just criticize everything in the case!  Personally, I wouldn't want to offend the business owner/person working, but apparently this lady just didn't care.  I'm hoping she saw the look of shock on my face when she was bitching about everything.
I'm sorry Ma'am that you are a hag and don't like anything (well except the cheesecake, but I'm sure she would have complained about the price had she tried to buy some).  Maybe next time, I'll be sure to hook up my mind reading device and have exactly what you do like ready for you!

People just have no consideration!  I mean, we obviously get the (more often than not) people that look at the desserts and sarcastically proclaim it all looks "terrible" "gross" "so bad," etc etc etc, but we understand that they are just joking around.  You don't come into a place that makes desserts and just be downright Debbie Downer.

So Thank You Lady in the Pink Shirt with too much negative opinion for your own good...You've made my day...and my blog blast!  I dedicate the above song to YOU!

<3 Me

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